San Juan Weavers Guild

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Guild Meetings

Guild meetings are held at the Olathe Community Center in Olathe, CO, January-June September-October at 10 am.  November is our Show and Sale and December is our Christmas dinner so dates and times can change.

June 15

Summer potluck!  Come for good food and lots of sharing and visiting.

Spin Day

Meets on first Friday of the month at the Delta Trap Club, Delta, CO at 9 am.  Potluck lunch.  For more information, contact Sandy at 970-252-7498.

Rigid Heddle Club

Meets second Sunday of the month from 12 noon to 3 pm at Ladybugz Quilt and Yarn, 330 S. 8th St., Montrose, CO.

June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8

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Textile Book Club

Now reading:  The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.  Due to the massive size and quantity of information of this book, we will be breaking down our reading requirements.  Our first discussion will take place June 12, 1:30 pm at Joyce’s home and will cover the Introduction and Chapter 1: An Indian Basket. 


On January 13, 1977, nine fledgling weavers met in Montrose to organize a weavers’ guild.  Their purpose, they decided, would be to exchange ideas and knowledge of weaving and spinning, give demonstrations to community organizations, and find ways of selling their handwoven items.  The membership grew to 23 members that first year.  They took every opportunity to learn their craft, went to countless schools and organizations to share their interest in and demonstrate weaving and spinning, and sold their first offerings of 200 items at a local potters’ sale in 1978.

Today we have over 70 members, still demonstrate weaving and spinning, gather for workshops every year to add to our repertoire of skills, and offer over 1000 items for sale at our annual Show and Sale.